Saturday, 12 October 2013

Keep the fire in you burning


Whichever part of the world you leave in,one aspect of life that is common is the need for organization or discipline,in your life. A time table is important to organize your life . Unorganized life is a miserable life.With organized life you can discover more,you can live better,you can do something good,you can make your life more useful.

 If there is no discipline in life,you only recreate hell.When i say discipline,many say i cant get up early.Discipline does not begin and end with waking up early.It is not important when you wake up,but what do you want to wake up to??if i don't no what i wake up for ,then it does not just matter.

There are people who tell me they sometimes feel there is no need to wake up.I say very good!!if you are that there is no need to wake up,then don't wake up,keeping sleeping!!!!!!at least you have clarity,with confidence that you need not get up!!..It is the inertia that is not allowing you to get up.

When you are lazy,when you are full of inertia,you are full of negativity,so you have a problem that is not allowing you to sleep or wake up.So never be a victim of laziness,inertia or negativity.These three things are like termites and they will eat your life.

Sit quietly with yourself to discover why should i wake up.Try to be more and more with yourself.And when you are with yourself,then discover the fire inside and make your fire stronger.If your firing is burning means your life is okay.The day your fire stops burning there will be no more life.

If the fire is stronger,that fire can make your life useful,it can make your life purposeful.When our fire is dying,there is no joy,no interest,but only negativity.So keep your firing burning really bright.

The timetable of routine helps to get you through the day.Organizations is the blueprint on which your life will run.It is the timetable of your life.

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